The Wise Old Sage

Sadly the only ingredient I could harvest from my kitchen garden was the wise old sage but the pheasants were proudly labelled 'West Wight: some buckshot within'. I could even hear the echos of gunshot across the road at Afton Farm as I browned my mis-matched pair in the pan.
Now I must confess to holding mixed feelings about game-bird farming. Where I live they are now so abundant as to be a public health hazard. Pyschotic pheasants seem to inhabit every hedgerow bottom with their will they/won't they throw themselves in front of your wheels, every damn time you set out on a country lane. They are also frequent visitors to the garden bird feeder that we even named one particularly vocal chap, 'Lucky'...
Not so lucky though the two ( or more correctly Brace ) in my pot tonight, but what a delicious evenings menu of both food and TV viewing.
'Toast' was the best TV programme I had watched all Xmas. It so accurately portrayed, without sentiment the drabness of those 50s years whilst conveying the young Slater's path to culinary liberation. The whole cast was admirable but the young actors were perfect in their roles and I loved Mr Slater's mischevious cameo appearance at the end. The screenplay was as apt and tempting as the man's writing - not a wasted word.
But, then who wouldn't be 'awakened' by such a gorgeous gardener. No wonder Nigel's yearnings encourage him to recapture those lost feelings in his Veg patch! Happy New Year indeed!
Hi - thanks for your visit over at my place, so I thought I'd wander over and say 'hello' :)
Your tale of pheasants has bought lots of childhood memories flooding back - pheasant was one of my dad's favourite dishes and we often had a brace of them at this time of the year.
We've recorded Toast ready for a delicious serving of it sometime soon.
Happy New Year
The blog looks great, and we love what you have done in your garden! The garden designs are awesome. Check out our blog for some more garden designs
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