Snow Wight

More than ever, we are grateful for our various bird feeding stations around the garden and are topping them up daily as large flocks of tits and finches are giving them a bashing. Bird watching has never been easier, watching robins and blackbirds bickering under the bird feeders, taking on any random newcomers like the fieldfares and redstarts that are now sheltering in domestic gardens whilst they can find nourishment. I make a mental note to include more stations and encourage all my clients to do likewise....
As the snow begins to melt and we slip into the grey sludge days after the brilliant blue I am beginning to take stock of some gardening losses. Trying not to get too depressed I notice that my echium has succumbed and that a specimen Echevera 'Schwarzkop' is looking decidedly frost damaged. It is under cover of the porch but the air temperature and wind chill factor have clearly contributed to the problem.
Here on the southerly Isle of Wight I tend to take a gung-ho attitude to frost protection, testing the limits of hardiness of some plants and sticking to my plant choices. But my mother earth voice is whispering, perhaps I should have used some horticultural fleece!
Retreating to the warmth of the office I have instead decided to update my website and create some new pages and a gallery. This is a much more heartening activity. Scanning last years projects I have surprised myself with the changes that occur between the 'before' and 'after' pictures. Definitely good for the soul!
© Chris Barnes
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